Your challenge?

Strategy execution

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You have a brilliantly thought-through, comprehensive strategy. It will deliver a secure future for your organisation. Or will it?

Do your people know what the strategy is because the launch was clear? Do they each understand what the strategy means for them and their role? Is everyone motivated to adopt the new approach?

For an organisation to make a new strategy happen, leaders need to show strong, consistent, sustained leadership. They need to communicate a vision, strategy and future that everyone wants to be part of.

  • That means creating a great place to work so they attract top talent to join and stay with the organisation. They need to build a culture of strong relationships, collaboration and influencing to cope with a fast-changing environment. And they need to develop stronger strategic thinking, collective responsibility and execution discipline.

    • Measurable, meaningful and memorable strategic achievement of goals

    • Simplicity of message: so people understand and can deliver on it

    • Your people engaged in your strategy through stories

    • Make strategy meaningful for everyone in your organisation

    • Managers cascading strategy authentically, simply and with energy


Executing 3-year European Growth Strategy

As part of a European Leadership team conference, helping 78 leaders confidently provide direction and engage their regional teams in the next phase of growth.

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