A 90 or 180-minute highly interactive and engaging forum theatre experience centred around practical actions (rather than theory), for giving feedback.
The Global Edge actors perform “The Honest Conversation” with the intention of providing a memorable and highly engaging experience that is different and has strong impact value.
A facilitated group exchange and wider conversation focus on honesty and connection aimed at providing maximum relevance to your organization. This process challenges participants and pushes managers/leaders out of their comfort zone, stimulating the generation of realistic and practical ideas and actions.
The programme centers around the significance of honesty and connection, highlighting how these attributes enhance the richness and quality of everyday feedback conversations. Delegates ultimately leave with a tangible and straightforward concept that they can easily remember and apply in their daily work life.
Session Overview
To experience a conversation without honesty and connection, understand the challenges, make live changes as a group and see what impact these have.
Events start with one high-impact scripted scene, involving two actors.
The facilitator will encourage the audience to interact in a forum theatre style, stopping the scene when they think the manager should do something different to improve the honesty in the conversation.
The actors will be prepared to move about on the script and adapt according to audience participation.
Facilitator draws out links to ‘Honesty’ and ‘Connection’, pulling out what works and what doesn’t.
To engage and understand the importance of honesty to oneself, the other person and the conversation. Establishing connection and permission to “dive below the surface”.
Honest conversation defined.
Facilitator provides specific client context - Why honest conversations count right now?
Working in small groups with the actors and then feeding back the thinking.
Opportunity for interaction, sharing of stories, ideas and debate on three questions:
- What stops us having honest conversations?
- What do we need to do to be more honest, when giving feedback?
- Imagine you’re back at work and X/Y happens, how will you apply/respond…?
To capture the session’s learning in an innovative, creative and memorable way.
Specific workplace scenarios performed by our actors.
These can be based on pre-set scenarios from our existing library or be scripted and tailored for the client (based on real and current situations back in the workplace).
Each scenario cleverly captures content, conversation and ideas from the previous debate - so a blend of pre-scripted and ad-lib reflecting language, tone and atmosphere – people will hear their words coming back through.
Run for your organisation in groups of 10 to 25 per session
Virtual or face-to-face format
Max of 2x180min or 3x 90min sessions per day
Appropriate for all levels from team member to CEO
Available ‘off-the-shelf’ or tailor-made for your organisation
Understand what stops them being honest when giving feedback and the consequences of not having honest conversations
Understand and engage people more effectively
Be challenged to face up to the reality of situations and what they are responsible for
Have something tangible that they will remember and use in the workplace
Become more aware of their own mindset, behaviours and impact when giving feedback