Often, organisations don’t deal with negative behaviours until they create extreme performance issues, storing huge challenges for the future which could have been more easily addressed in the present.
But addressing such issues is often uncomfortable for managers and, as a result, the behaviours go unchallenged. Managers need the confidence and communication skills to have more challenging feedback conversations, taking the lead when there is a need to hold others accountable.
This requires the mindset and emotional strength to effectively deliver a direct message, control emotions and effectively manage different potential conflicts.
Managers need to become practiced and proficient in having open conversations which encourage feedback. They need to develop the confidence to instigate these conversations earlier but come across as assertive and respectful, rather than aggressive.
The confidence to take the lead where managers need to hold others accountable
The communication skills to have more challenging feedback conversations
The mindset and emotional strength to effectively deliver a direct message
The ability to control emotions and effectively manage different potential conflicts.
Increasing quality and frequency of performance conversations
Removing annual performance reviews with more frequent and meaningful “check-in” conversations about short term objectives, performance and development.
Building a culture of honest conversations
A series of short, high impact and immersive sessions helping 50+ managers develop the confidence and skills and confidence to deliver honest feedback.