Our highly practical and engaging virtual programme introduces the Five Conversation Styles©, showing how they can be used to effectively influence and get the best from others.
You will learn specific tools and techniques to enable you to get the outcome you want in different conversations with key stakeholders, including any people you manage or lead.
As a leader or manager, making effective decisions, gaining buy-in and generating creative ideas and solutions are critical to achieving progress and a positive way forward.
Effective communication is the single biggest ingredient to help you achieve this, whether is a virtual, face-to-face or hybrid environment.
At Global Edge, we believe outstanding performance starts with what your people say and how they say it. As experts in face-to-face communication and personal impact, we increase the frequency, quality and impact of everyday conversations, giving individuals that extra ‘edge’, as well as dramatically increasing engagement levels and productivity.
Targeted at new and experienced leaders and managers
For groups or teams of up to 12 participants
6 x 120-minute Zoom webinars, over 3 months
Available ‘off-the-shelf’ or tailor-made and branded for your organisation
The first webinar introduces the Five Conversation Styles© – a simple and accessible framework to manage people and drive change.
Five further sessions each focus on one of the Five Conversation Styles© and explore, interactively with participants, when and how to use them.
Video, audio and poll questions are used to stimulate discussion and share experiences.
Slides are provided for input and focus with a practical toolkit and recording shared with participants.
Participants will:
become aware of the need to flex their personal style and behaviour in different situations, to get the outcome they want.
be ready with a range of responses for different business conversations with team members, stakeholders or customers.
receive specific reminders, actions and toolkits after each webinar to practice and apply their learning.
have a buildable toolkit over 3 months, enabling layered learning integrated with real-life work conversations.
Webinar series
The Dynamic Conversation
What makes a Dynamic Conversation and why are they so critical in the current environment?
What are the Five Conversation Styles© and when/how do I use each of them?
How do I use the Five Styles effectively in this new ‘hybrid’ environment?
How do I get myself ready to have the conversations I need to have?
Inspiring Action
How do I ‘show up’ as a leader during times of change?
What do people follow in a leader, especially during a crisis?
What are the key ingredients of impactful communication to inspire others?
How do I keep people motivated and positive, during these difficult times?
Building Ownership
How can I create the right opportunities for people to shine and lead during a crisis?
What is my role as a coach during change?
What mindset and skills do I need to have great coach conversations?
How do I facilitate and structure the generation of new ideas?
Assessing performance
Why is feedback so important during change and when is it most beneficial?
Learning a structure and approach for effectively feeding back to others
Preparing for “real-time” feedback
Aligning Expectations
How do I identify differences in expectations and the need to clarify?
When there is confusion, how can I ensure people have clear roles, measures and accountabilities, which they understand and commit to.
Identifying your “stop-start-continue” actions for a clarify conversation at work.
Holding Accountable
What stops you from delivering challenge conversations effectively?
Dealing with fears, delivering the message, controlling emotions, and managing reactions.
Identifying your “stop-start-continue” actions for a challenge conversation at work.
Additional options to embed behaviours…
A one day interactive workshop to gain a deeper understanding of the Five Conversation Styles© and learning how to effectively apply them in various workplace scenarios.
Through interactive exercises and practice with actors, individuals will become more fluent in using each conversation style, ensuring practical learning that can be immediately applied in real-life situations.
A facilitated session to share learning and experiences from their real work conversations. This increases accountability and builds momentum by agreeing on actions to start, stop and continue practicing.
With our specialist actor-coaches and using real-life situations, individuals will refine, practice and fine-tune the specific styles and behaviours they want to develop. Either in one-to-one or in small groups, they will build greater confidence and accelerate their development, in the areas where a different impact is required.
A series of 75-90 minute sessions to heighten self-awareness and provide focused development on specific behaviours and areas of impact. Our experienced coaches work with individuals to decide where and how to focus attention, practice and ‘do the work’.
An on-the-go video playlist with 46 clips to reinforce learning and apply the Five Conversation Styles©. Includes essential insights, style demonstrations, and a downloadable toolkit to help put the styles into practice.